Thursday 27 April 2017

Hello JK parents!

The JK's enjoyed exploring the beautiful weather outside for recess and Gym with Mr. McDonald today.  We also kicked off another Spring Fundraiser event with Ice cream Sundae Day!  A big congratulations goes out to Eric for bringing in the most pledges!  He had the opportunity to hit our school Principal, Mr. Sawatsky with a pie on his face!!! We are still accepting pledge forms tomorrow and the class that beings in the most money will receive a PIZZA PARTY!!!
Here are a few things we did today:
Daily 5-The JK's explored Literacy Centers, using picture and word cards, puzzles and books.
Language/UOI-The students practiced their letter recognition and sound skills with an engaging picture and word game that focused on mammals.
Math-The JK's were learning more about various ways to measure with a measurement activity using snap cubes and picture cards.

-Grade 6 Exhibition will take place May 5th from 9-11 am and 6-8 pm.  All parents and students are welcome to come and support our grade 6 students.  The topics that they have covered are: Physician, terrorism, immigration, disabilities, Climate change and pollution.
Pledge forms are due April 28th:
Monday, April 24th-Costume Day!
Tuesday, April 25th-Popcorn Day!
Wednesday, April 26th-Pancake Breakfast & Casual Day!
Thursday, April 27th-Sundae & Fruit Day!
Friday, April 28th-Dance Party & Casual Day!
-Students who bring in pledges that is $35 and more, will be able to attend a school trip next week to an indoor playground.
-I also placed a piece of paper that a grade 6 student from our school, asked for us to help him with to collect data for his personal project on Preventing Climate Change.  Please return by May 1 st.
Measuring with snap cubes!

mammal word cards!

our plants are growing!

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