Thursday 13 April 2017

Hello JK parents!

 Yesterday I did not put up a blog, due to a Seminar that Ms. Padovan and I lead yesterday with 20 other IB Primary teachers.
What a beautiful Thursday! We had so much fun starting our with a Easter themed House game! The JK's enjoyed a variety of Easter themed activities today! We started off with a science experiment, using a magic egg and water. The students had to predict what living creature do they think will hatch from the egg, when we come back on Tuesday?  The Jk's remembered from what they had learned about living things and classifying animals that birds are born from eggs!  Most students guessed that it would be a duck or chick!  We also enjoyed decorating eggs and an Easter egg hunt!

-Earth Day Spirit Dress up day is on April 21st.  We are also holding a school clean up day by doing our part to keep our school clean!  We kindly ask parents to bring in gardening or winter gloves for your child to use to help clean up.  Your child may also purchase gloves for $2 on that day!
-Scholastic book orders due April 26th.
-Spring Fundraising Packages are going home today! Forms are due April 19th and pledge forms are due April 28th:
Monday, April 24th-Costume Day!
Tuesday, April 25th-Popcorn Day!
Wednesday, April 26th-Pancake Breakfast & Casual Day!
Thursday, April 27th-Sundae & Fruit Day!
Friday, April 28th-Dance Party & Casual Day!
Easter Egg Art!

What will it be????

Super excited about finding our Easter Eggs!

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