Friday 31 March 2017

Hello JK parents!

Happy Friday! The JK's had a lot of fun exploring centers with Ms. Padovan's class during indoor recess today, because of the rainy weather.
Here are a few things we did today:
Daily 5-The JK's enjoyed listening to a funny story about a boy who thinks that there is a monster in the toilet, it is titled Max is Afraid of his Toilet.  The JK's discussed reasons why monsters were not real and why not to be afraid.
Art-We worked on creating colourful Spring art projects using foam flowers, construction paper, glue and crayons to add details.

-Please email or bring in a picture of your child with any kind of animal (dose not have to be current) to get our class ready for the next unit that focuses on Living Things.
-Casual Day is on March 29th.
-Report Cards go home March 31st.
-Parent and Teacher Conferences will begin April 6th.
-Talent Show will take place April 7th at 9:30 am in the auditorium.

Show & Tell

Art class in the classroom

Welcome SPRING!!!!

Spring flowers are in bloom!

Thursday 30 March 2017

Hello JK parents!

It was a gloomy and cold day today, but that did not stop us from learning and having fun!
Here are a few things we did today:
Daily 5-The JK's listened to a read a loud that was titled If You Bring a Mouse to School, the Jk's enjoyed the silly story and shared their thoughts about what they would do if they saw a mouse at school.
French-Ms. Hou continued to teach the JK's more Spring themed vocabulary.
Language-The students practiced their lower case letter i printing skills in their HWT booklets and were engaged with a fun name game!
Math-I challenged the JK's with a 1-100 counting game and they all impressed me with their counting and number recognition skills.

-Please email or bring in a picture of your child with any kind of animal (dose not have to be current) to get our class ready for the next unit that focuses on Living Things.
-Casual Day is on March 29th.
-Please bring in a toonie on March 31st to support Autism Awareness Day! If you do bring in a toonie, you can wear dress down clothes to support the cause.
-Report Cards go home March 31st.
-Parent and Teacher Conferences will begin April 6th.
-Talent Show will take place April 7th at 9:30 am in the auditorium.
Number Challenge!

Counting from 1 to 100!

French with Ms. Hou

Name Game!

printing lower case letter i

Wednesday 29 March 2017

Hello JK parents!

Happy Wednesday! Here are a few things we did today:
Daily 5-The JK's were engaged in Literacy Centers and practiced their letter name and sound recognition skills, using magnetic letters, picture and word cards and puzzles.
French-Ms. Hou taught the students new vocabulary words that were related to Spring, the students had to act out and guess each word.
Arts Night Project-The JK's worked really hard on their individual clay projects, they focused on adding detail to what they made.  The rest will be a surprise for Arts Night!

-Please email or bring in a picture of your child with any kind of animal (dose not have to be current) to get our class ready for the next unit that focuses on Living Things.
-Casual Day is on March 29th.
-Please bring in a toonie on March 31st to support Autism Awareness Day! If you do bring in a toonie, you can wear dress down clothes to support the cause.
-Report Cards go home March 31st.
-Parent and Teacher Conferences will begin April 6th.
-Talent Show will take place April 7th at 9:30 am in the auditorium.
Arts Night Projects!!!

Welcome to our classroom!

look what we can accomplish when we work together!

Tuesday 28 March 2017

Hello JK parents!

It' is day 2 of our first week back from March Break! Here are a few things we did today:
Daily 5-The JK's had some quiet time, exploring books in the Book Area.
Language-We got right back to work and challenged the students with some Journal Writing! The JK's were up to the challenge and demonstrated their sentence printing skills, writing about what they did during their March Break.
Math- The students explored their counting and creative skills with a flower activity that will go up on the front wall in the hallway to get ready for Spring!
Gym-The students had the opportunity to work on some cardio outdoors today.

-Please email or bring in a picture of your child with any kind of animal (dose not have to be current) to get our class ready for the next unit that focuses on Living Things.
-Casual Day is on March 29th.
-Please bring in a toonie on March 31st to support Autism Awareness Day! If you do bring in a toonie, you can wear dress down clothes to support the cause.
-Report Cards go home March 31st.
-Parent and Teacher Conferences will begin April 6th.
-Talent Show will take place April 7th at 9:30 am in the auditorium.

decorating flowers for our UOI wall

team work!

Journal writing

Monday 27 March 2017

Hello JK parents!

Welcome back everyone! I hope you all had a relaxing time off and enjoyed some family time together during the break.  We were all excited to get back to our routines and share stories of our experiences during the break.
Here are a few things we did today:
Daily 5-The students had the opportunity to work in groups or individually in Literacy Centers.
Language-We started off with a sharing circle and talked about what we did during our March Break, we recorded our experiences on a Snapshot March Break activity sheet.
Art-Ms. Kerr had the students explore their creative side with a fun Spring activity.

-Please email or bring in a picture of your child with any kind of animal (dose not have to be current) to get our class ready for the next unit that focuses on Living Things.
-Casual Day is on March 29th.
-Please bring in a toonie on March 31st to support Autism Awareness Day! If you do bring in a toonie, you can wear dress down clothes to support the cause.
-Report Cards go home March 31st.
-Parent and Teacher Conferences will begin April 6th.
-Talent Show will take place April 7th at 9:30 am in the auditorium.
March Break Snapshot activity!

enjoying the warm weather outside!

Happy Birthday Giovanni!

Happy to be back!!!

My March Break at Ripley's Aquarium 

My son enjoying the view!

Friday 10 March 2017

Hello JK parents!

We had a lot of fun celebrating St. Patrick's Day colours and the last of school before March Break!  Everyone looked great in green! The JK's decorated clovers using, green construction paper, glue and crayons for St. Patrick's Day.  Ms. Hou taught the students St. Patrick's Day vocabulary in French class.  We ended the day off with a dance party in the auditorium with the rest of the school!
To get the students excited about the next unit we will be learning more about:
Living Things (animals & plants)
Central Idea:
People interact with plants and animals in and out of their homes and take responsiblity for their well-being.
I am asking all the parents to bring in or email me a picture of your child with an animal that will be placed in our classroom and will be presented at the end of the unit.

Enjoy the March Break!

-School CLOSED: March 13th to 24th for March Break.
-Casual Day is on March 29th.
-Report Cards go home on March 31st.
The JK's wishing Ms. Hou a happy March Break!
Happy Birthday Armaan!!!
decorating clovers for St. Patrick's Day!
Wearing green for St. Patrick's Day colours to end off Spirit Week!

working on spelling short words

Thursday 9 March 2017

Hello JK parents!

We started our day off with a fun house game and everyone looked great in their House Colours for Spirit Week!  The JK's enjoyed creating colourful shamrocks in Art with Ms. Kerr and we had an impromptu Show & Share for students who had sent in transportation pictures earlier this year.  The students who presented shared with the class, what types of transportation was in the picture, where were they and how old were they in the picture.

-Tomorrow is St. Patricks' Day Colours! to celebrate the last day of Spirit Week.
Veer with his bike and toy airplane 

Yahvi on her bike

Armaan on his toy car

Zane ridding his toy car

Izyan on his bike

Ronan on a boat

Eric on a bike

Art with Ms. Kerr

Yesterday's House Game!

musical chairs!

Wednesday 8 March 2017

Hello JK parents!

To celebrate Spirit Week, today everyone was dressed up as a Superhero or Princess!  We had a lot of fun show off and talking about our costumes today, during a sharing circle.  The Jk's also reviewed their letter h recognition skills and patterning skills with two superhero activities.

-Tomorrow students are to dress up in their house colours for House Colours Day! I have written in each of the students agenda's what colour they are to wear tomorrow to represent for their team!
-March 10th is St. Patrick's Day Colours!

superhero patterns!

H is for Hero!

Superhero & Princess Day!!!!