Thursday 6 April 2017

Hello JK parents!

It was a rainy day today! We were very busy with lots of learning!
Here are a few things we did today:
Daily 5-The JK's listened to a funny story that Bryana brought in today titled There was an Old Lady Who Swallowed a Desk.
Language-The students practiced their lower case e printing and letter sound skills.  The JK's were engaged with a name game, where each student had to find a name that had the letter e in it.
Math-The JK's were introduced to our new measuring unit! The JK's worked with partners and found items around the classroom that were either bigger or smaller than their piece of string.

-Parent and Teacher Conferences will take part tonight, see you there!
-April 7th is the Scholl Talent Show and will take place at 9:30 am.
-April 11th the trip forms and money to Legoland are due.
-Legoland trip is on Wednesday, May 10th.  We are also looking for parent volunteers!
-April 14th and 17th the school will be CLOSED.
-Scholastic book orders are due April 26th.
measuring with string

lower case e

find the name that has a letter e in it!

measuring to see if it is smaller or bigger than the string

using our bodies to practice printing the letter e!

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