Tuesday 11 April 2017

Hello JK parents!

It was another warm day outside today and the JK's enjoyed exploring during recess.
Here are a few things we did today:
Daily 5-The Jk's practiced their letter name and sound recognition skills with a fun alphabet game, each student had the opportunity to accept a letter challenge!
Language-In connection to our UOI unit of Living and non-living Things, the students continued to practice their printing skills in their Journals today, each JK traced or printed on their own the sentence "My favorite animal is _____________".
Science/UOI-We were very excited to learn more about Living Things with a trip to visit the High School Science Lab.  Mr. Iqbal the High School Science teacher was kind enough to show the Jk's the chicken eggs they have in an incubator and the life cycle of the animal.  The Jk's were inquisitive and had lots to talk about and share when we got back to class.

-There are still a few parents who have not handed in Legoland trip forms and money, please bring them in tomorrow if you would like you child to attend.  If you child is not attending the trip, they are to stay at home.
-Easter Spirit and dress up day is on Thursday, April 13th, students are to dress up in Easter colours.
-Spring Fundraising Packages are going home today! Forms are due April 19th and pledge forms are due April 28th:
Monday, April 24th-Costume Day!
Tuesday, April 25th-Popcorn Day!
Wednesday, April 26th-Pancake Breakfast & Casual Day!
Thursday, April 27th-Sundae & Fruit Day!
Friday, April 28th-Dance Party & Casual Day!
Mr. Iqbal the High school Science Teacher showing the Jk's the baby chick eggs.

Journal writing

Our UOI wall: Sharing the Planet

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