Monday 27 March 2017

Hello JK parents!

Welcome back everyone! I hope you all had a relaxing time off and enjoyed some family time together during the break.  We were all excited to get back to our routines and share stories of our experiences during the break.
Here are a few things we did today:
Daily 5-The students had the opportunity to work in groups or individually in Literacy Centers.
Language-We started off with a sharing circle and talked about what we did during our March Break, we recorded our experiences on a Snapshot March Break activity sheet.
Art-Ms. Kerr had the students explore their creative side with a fun Spring activity.

-Please email or bring in a picture of your child with any kind of animal (dose not have to be current) to get our class ready for the next unit that focuses on Living Things.
-Casual Day is on March 29th.
-Please bring in a toonie on March 31st to support Autism Awareness Day! If you do bring in a toonie, you can wear dress down clothes to support the cause.
-Report Cards go home March 31st.
-Parent and Teacher Conferences will begin April 6th.
-Talent Show will take place April 7th at 9:30 am in the auditorium.
March Break Snapshot activity!

enjoying the warm weather outside!

Happy Birthday Giovanni!

Happy to be back!!!

My March Break at Ripley's Aquarium 

My son enjoying the view!

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