Friday 31 March 2017

Hello JK parents!

Happy Friday! The JK's had a lot of fun exploring centers with Ms. Padovan's class during indoor recess today, because of the rainy weather.
Here are a few things we did today:
Daily 5-The JK's enjoyed listening to a funny story about a boy who thinks that there is a monster in the toilet, it is titled Max is Afraid of his Toilet.  The JK's discussed reasons why monsters were not real and why not to be afraid.
Art-We worked on creating colourful Spring art projects using foam flowers, construction paper, glue and crayons to add details.

-Please email or bring in a picture of your child with any kind of animal (dose not have to be current) to get our class ready for the next unit that focuses on Living Things.
-Casual Day is on March 29th.
-Report Cards go home March 31st.
-Parent and Teacher Conferences will begin April 6th.
-Talent Show will take place April 7th at 9:30 am in the auditorium.

Show & Tell

Art class in the classroom

Welcome SPRING!!!!

Spring flowers are in bloom!

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